TR-A Pleated blinds
Testing machines:
TR-A / TR-A Pleated blinds / TR-A Exterior Roller blinds / TR-A Screen / TR-A Roof blinds
This version of the TR-A tester is very similar to a normal TR-A lift. The difference is that one more mounting roll is provided underneath the moving roll with clamps, which is stationary. The holders for pleated blinds are also different – we make them for specific systems sent by the customer. In addition, in order to make full use of the lift’s possibilities for checking the pleated blinds, the lift should be equipped with a drive and a control cabinet steered from the touch panel – an employee who controls the finished product can be sure that the height of the pleated blind is in accordance with the order. Of course, setting the width between the holders can also be automated. Another option is a tester for checking irregular shaped pleated blinds.